Monday, September 22, 2008

Change of scene!

Not for us but the Modaffs. Most of you will know Jessica (Dean) Modaff and her husband Matt. We spent our Sunday helping them move and gained a new appreciation for professional piano movers as we hauled (gently) the piano from the moving van, in the dark and rainy night of September 21, 2008, into their new home in Beverly, MA. We are sad to see them move farther away but this new home is much closer to school and work and we rejoice in the diminished commute.
We have been attending the church Jess and Matt serve at so we plan on seeing them at least on Sundays. It is called River's Edge Church and it is located in Malden, MA. This is about 10 minutes from our home. The church is new and small but there is tons of heart. We really like the people and the pastor has a way of taking something you have heard many time as making you hear it differently. We are very blessed by these people and hope to plug into some opportunities to serve soon.
For those of you requesting a calender of events for the Sand B&B (Bed and Breakfast) we are open for service beginning October and so far the schedule is:
Jordan gone to San Antonio Oct 30 - Nov 5
Jordan gone to New Orleans Nov7 - Nov 13
Julie Graham Nov7-13
Barbara & Jordan on the West Coast Dec 23 - Dec30 (not booked may be more or less or different days)
Jordan to Carmel, Ca Jan 31 - Feb 4 (I think)
Graham Patriarch and Matriarch :) March 28 - April 4 YEAH!! Birthdays!!
This is all I have for now. If you want to make a reservation you are welcome to enter them at this time and I will check. We really do make breakfast!!

I had my second interview at the Shapirio Clinic this morning at Brigham and Women's Hospital. It went really well so thank you for praying. I will let you know when I know something.

Much love and many blessings. Please let me know how I can be in prayer for you!


1 comment:

The Kaemingk's said...

Barbs! So glad to hear that it sounds like you guys are settling in well in Boston. Are you liking the area? The east coast has a lot of fun things to offer so I really think you'll enjoy your year out there. And I'm so glad to hear that you're coming home for Christmas! We'll be excited to see you then!